Tuan Haji Syawal - Pawang DiRaja Selangor Era Pemerintahan Almarhum Sultan Musa Ghiatuddin Riayat Shah Ibni Sultan Alauddin Suleiman Shah.
27 March 2012
05 March 2012

Payung Rakyat Paduka Seri,
Tanah Rakyat Raja Yang Beri,
Takkan Terpisah Raja Negeri,
Walau Masa Berlalu Pergi,
Warisan Rakyat Terus Mewarnai,
Tanpa Raja Adat Pun Mati.
Terukir Adat Sumpah dan Janji,
Raja dan Rakyat Bersumpah Janji,
Sang Sapurba Raja Yang Dipertuan Negeri,
Demang Lebar Daun Bendahara Negeri,
Bagaikan Jantung Terus Bernadi,
Itulah Sumpah Melayu Bernegeri.

Konflik yang dialami oleh dawlah Uthmaniyah di rantau mendapat tumpuan dan perhatian masyarakat Melayu.
YAM Raja Harun Al-Rashid Ibni Almarhum Sultan Idris Murshidul ‘Adzam merupkan salah seorang kerabat diraja Perak bertanggungjawab sebagai Setiausaha Dana Turki Uthmaniyah.
Pada 4 Januari 1913, kutipan tersebut berjaya mencecah $7610.33 yang diperolehi daripada Paduka Seri Sultan Perak dan juga masyarakat Islam. Kutipan itu kemudiannya disalurkan untuk Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah dawlah Uthmaniyah.
Raja Harun Al-Rashid bergelar Raja Kechil Sulong dan pernah mengiringi Paduka Seri Sultan Idris ke England pada bulan Julai tahun 1911, bagi menghadiri majlis Pertabalan King George V.
Meninggal dunia pada 10 Mei 1945
Sang Mentari Mengelilingi Bumi,
Payung Rakyat Raja Negeri,
Aman Damai Rakyat Negeri,
Amanah Diberi Pembesar Negeri,
Agar Mentadbir Kanun Ilahi,
Bukan Menindas Rakyat Negeri,
Mahupun Mengumpul Harta Duniawi.
Rahsia Alam Penuh Mesteri,
Menjadi Saksi Segala Di Bumi,
Tatkala Pemimpin Mengejar Duniawi,
Rakyat Ditindas Di Bumi Sendiri,
Sekalian Pembesar Mengadai Negeri,
Azab Ilahi Membinasa Negeri,
Akhirnya Di Terbalik Seluruh Negeri.
Tegak Meluru Menurut Nafsu,
Hukum Kehidupan Atas Duniawi,
Namun Begitu Jangan Terburu,
Perselisihan Faham Sering Terjadi,
Derita Orang Yang Sabar,
Dituduh Berdusta Bercakap Benar,
Nama Dicemar Orang Tak Gemar,
Takkan Bertukar Dari Menipu Biar Terlantar,
Dunia Penuh Tipu Daya,
Jujur Berkata Menjadi Mangsa,
Pandai Menipu Lekas Berharta,
Biarlah Merana Hidup Tak Berdusta
H.H. the Sultan.— The President of the Selangor State Council is His Highness Alae'eddin Suleiman Shah, C.M.G., the Sultan of
A son of the late Raja Muda Musa, he was born on September 30, 1864. He succeeded his grandfather, the late Sultan, H.H. Sir Abdul Samad, K.C.M.G., and came to the throne on February 17, 1898.
He was installed as Sultan in November, 1903. He was educated in Malay, and is a man of enlighten-ment. He married his cousin, H.H. Tengku Mahrom, daughter of H.H. Tengku Udin, and by her had two sons, Tengku Musa and Tengku Bahdur Shah, who are now being educated at the Victoria Institute, Kuala Lumpor.
The Sultan has a palace in Klang, provided by the Government, but prefers to dwell in a private house. His Highness's staff consists of Secretary, Inche .A.bdul Razak bin Haji Abdul Gani ; Penggawa, Haji Ahmad bin Baba ; Maharaja Hela, Haji Abdul Gani ; Shah Bandar, Haji Ali ; Bantara Kiri, Mohamed Amin bin Wan Mohamed Syed : and Bentara Kanan, Soloh bin Wan Mohamed Syed. The British Resident. Mr. H. Conway Belfield, the British Resident of Selangor, came to the Malay Slates in 1884, Kuala Lumpor was mostly dense jungle, with a brick house in the vicinity, attap buildings for Government offices and courts, with a Chinese vegetable garden on the site of the existing cricket ground, and a town composed of a few Chinese houses.
The Acting British Resident then was Mr. (now Sir) J. Rodger, the present Governor of the Gold Coast, and Sir Frank Swettenham the Acting Resident of Perak. Mr. Belfield is the head of an old Devonshire family, and was educated at Rugby and at Oxford.
He trained for the Bar, and in 1877 he passed his final examination and entered the Inner Temple. His first appointments on coming East were to the magisterial bench at Kuala Lumpor and to the collectorship of land revenue in the same town, and Inspector of Schools for the whole State. In addition to these duties he also acted as Chief Magistrate and Judge of the High Court for the whole of Selangor, and also Commissioner of Lands. After six years' continuous residence in the State he returned to England on leave, and on returning to the native States he was appointed Senior Magistrate, Perak. he held the position until the four States were federated in 1896, when he was appointed to the Federal office of Commissioner of Lands and Mines.
In the same year he became Chief Examiner in the Malay language, and in 1897 filled the position of Acting British Resident, Selangor. He occupied this post intermittently for different periods til! April, 1901, when he received the appointment of British Resident of Negri Sambilan. Owing to his services being required continually in Selangor, however, he never assumed the duties.
He was given his present appointment whilst he was in England on leave in 1902. Mr. Belfield visited Borneo on a special mission for Government in 1905. He has travelled extensively in the native States, is the author of an excellent publication on the country, and an authority on Malay matters. He is a landowner and Justice of the Peace in Devonshire, a keen all-round sports-man, though unattracted by golf, and a member of the Junior Carlton, Ranelagh, and Royal Automobile Clubs. Mr. Robert Campbell Grey, Secretary to the Resident of Selangor, is at present acting as British Resident of the Negri Sambilan.
He entered the service of the State of Perak in 1888 as a junior officer, and a year later was appointed Assistant Magistrate of Kinta. After having held other Government posts, he became, in 1895, Assistant Secretary to the Government of that State. In 1897 he was appointed District Officer at Ulu Selangor, being subse-quently transferred in the same capacity to Kuala Kaupar in Perak. In 1902 Mr. Grey acted as District Officer of Kinta, the chief mining district of the Federated Malay States, and in 1903 he was appointed Secretary to the Resident of Selangor.
Mr. Grey acted as Secre-tary to the Resident of Perak in 1904, and for a short time carried out the duties of British Resident in addition to those of Secretary. After having occupied his substantive post in Selangor for some eighteen months, Mr. Grey was, in November, igo6, appointed to act as British Resident of the Negri Sambilan.
The Raja Muda, Raja Laut bin Sultan Muhammed, son of the late Sultan Muhammed, was at one time Penghulu of Kuala Lumpor and a member of the Kuala Lumpor Sanitary Board. He was made Raja Muda of Selangor in 1903, and also a member of the State Council. He resides in the capital, and is greatly interested in the Malay agricultural settlement there, being chairman of the com-mittee of management.
Raja Haji Bot, another member of the State Council, is a son of Raja Jamaat, ruler of Lukot, and resides at Klang.
Raja Hassan. — Raja Hassan, a son of Raja Abdullah, was born in Klang, and is the Penghulu of the district. He is a member of the Klang Sanitary Board and lakes great interest in public matters.
Saiyid Mashhor bin Saiyid Muhammad, another member of the Council, resides at Klang.
Mr. Qeorge Camming, of Kuala Lumpor, is one of the best known and most popular residents of Selangor. He came out to the Federated Malay States in 1888, and his first appointment was on Messrs. Hill & Rath-borne's coffee plantation in the Negri Sambilan, one of the pioneer plantations in the States. Four years later he entered the service of the Straits Trading Company in Kuala Lumpor, and after remaining with them for four years he commenced mining on his own account. At present he owns two mines — one at Salak South, near Sungei Besi, and the other at Rawang. During the two years the former mine has been worked considerable develop-ments have been effected and excellent results obtained. With 300 coolies employed, together with a small hauling plant, the mine has been proved to a depth of 140 feet ; but now that it has turned out to be so extensive additional capital is required, and Mr. Gumming intends to float the concern as a limited liability com-pany with a view to developing it on a large scale. Up-to-date plant will then be introduced, and the opinion is expressed by experts that the mine will prove to be one of the richest in that part of the country. About four years ago Mr. Gumming was appointed to the Selangor Council of State, being the first European unofficial member to sit on that body. He is also president of the Miners' Association. A keen sportsman and the owner of several race-horses, he was one of the founders of the Turf Club, of which he is now vice-president.
Mr. Chan Sow Lin. -One of the pioneers among the Chinese community in the State of Selangor is Mr. Chan Sow Lin, a gentleman of good birth, who, after being brought up in China, came to the Malay States to seek his fortune in the early -days of this country's development. He arrived at Taiping, Perak, the year 1867, and entered the service of Mr. Low Sam, the headman of Larut district. At the end of a year he transferred his services to Assam Kubang and was appointed overseer of the tin mines. A year later he was recalled by his former employer to act as overseer of his mines and take charge
Sumber : Artikel Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya
A son of the late Raja Muda Musa, he was born on September 30, 1864. He succeeded his grandfather, the late Sultan, H.H. Sir Abdul Samad, K.C.M.G., and came to the throne on February 17, 1898.
He was installed as Sultan in November, 1903. He was educated in Malay, and is a man of enlighten-ment. He married his cousin, H.H. Tengku Mahrom, daughter of H.H. Tengku Udin, and by her had two sons, Tengku Musa and Tengku Bahdur Shah, who are now being educated at the Victoria Institute, Kuala Lumpor.
The Sultan has a palace in Klang, provided by the Government, but prefers to dwell in a private house. His Highness's staff consists of Secretary, Inche .A.bdul Razak bin Haji Abdul Gani ; Penggawa, Haji Ahmad bin Baba ; Maharaja Hela, Haji Abdul Gani ; Shah Bandar, Haji Ali ; Bantara Kiri, Mohamed Amin bin Wan Mohamed Syed : and Bentara Kanan, Soloh bin Wan Mohamed Syed. The British Resident. Mr. H. Conway Belfield, the British Resident of Selangor, came to the Malay Slates in 1884, Kuala Lumpor was mostly dense jungle, with a brick house in the vicinity, attap buildings for Government offices and courts, with a Chinese vegetable garden on the site of the existing cricket ground, and a town composed of a few Chinese houses.
The Acting British Resident then was Mr. (now Sir) J. Rodger, the present Governor of the Gold Coast, and Sir Frank Swettenham the Acting Resident of Perak. Mr. Belfield is the head of an old Devonshire family, and was educated at Rugby and at Oxford.
He trained for the Bar, and in 1877 he passed his final examination and entered the Inner Temple. His first appointments on coming East were to the magisterial bench at Kuala Lumpor and to the collectorship of land revenue in the same town, and Inspector of Schools for the whole State. In addition to these duties he also acted as Chief Magistrate and Judge of the High Court for the whole of Selangor, and also Commissioner of Lands. After six years' continuous residence in the State he returned to England on leave, and on returning to the native States he was appointed Senior Magistrate, Perak. he held the position until the four States were federated in 1896, when he was appointed to the Federal office of Commissioner of Lands and Mines.
In the same year he became Chief Examiner in the Malay language, and in 1897 filled the position of Acting British Resident, Selangor. He occupied this post intermittently for different periods til! April, 1901, when he received the appointment of British Resident of Negri Sambilan. Owing to his services being required continually in Selangor, however, he never assumed the duties.
He was given his present appointment whilst he was in England on leave in 1902. Mr. Belfield visited Borneo on a special mission for Government in 1905. He has travelled extensively in the native States, is the author of an excellent publication on the country, and an authority on Malay matters. He is a landowner and Justice of the Peace in Devonshire, a keen all-round sports-man, though unattracted by golf, and a member of the Junior Carlton, Ranelagh, and Royal Automobile Clubs. Mr. Robert Campbell Grey, Secretary to the Resident of Selangor, is at present acting as British Resident of the Negri Sambilan.
He entered the service of the State of Perak in 1888 as a junior officer, and a year later was appointed Assistant Magistrate of Kinta. After having held other Government posts, he became, in 1895, Assistant Secretary to the Government of that State. In 1897 he was appointed District Officer at Ulu Selangor, being subse-quently transferred in the same capacity to Kuala Kaupar in Perak. In 1902 Mr. Grey acted as District Officer of Kinta, the chief mining district of the Federated Malay States, and in 1903 he was appointed Secretary to the Resident of Selangor.
Mr. Grey acted as Secre-tary to the Resident of Perak in 1904, and for a short time carried out the duties of British Resident in addition to those of Secretary. After having occupied his substantive post in Selangor for some eighteen months, Mr. Grey was, in November, igo6, appointed to act as British Resident of the Negri Sambilan.
The Raja Muda, Raja Laut bin Sultan Muhammed, son of the late Sultan Muhammed, was at one time Penghulu of Kuala Lumpor and a member of the Kuala Lumpor Sanitary Board. He was made Raja Muda of Selangor in 1903, and also a member of the State Council. He resides in the capital, and is greatly interested in the Malay agricultural settlement there, being chairman of the com-mittee of management.
Raja Haji Bot, another member of the State Council, is a son of Raja Jamaat, ruler of Lukot, and resides at Klang.
Raja Hassan. — Raja Hassan, a son of Raja Abdullah, was born in Klang, and is the Penghulu of the district. He is a member of the Klang Sanitary Board and lakes great interest in public matters.
Saiyid Mashhor bin Saiyid Muhammad, another member of the Council, resides at Klang.
Mr. Qeorge Camming, of Kuala Lumpor, is one of the best known and most popular residents of Selangor. He came out to the Federated Malay States in 1888, and his first appointment was on Messrs. Hill & Rath-borne's coffee plantation in the Negri Sambilan, one of the pioneer plantations in the States. Four years later he entered the service of the Straits Trading Company in Kuala Lumpor, and after remaining with them for four years he commenced mining on his own account. At present he owns two mines — one at Salak South, near Sungei Besi, and the other at Rawang. During the two years the former mine has been worked considerable develop-ments have been effected and excellent results obtained. With 300 coolies employed, together with a small hauling plant, the mine has been proved to a depth of 140 feet ; but now that it has turned out to be so extensive additional capital is required, and Mr. Gumming intends to float the concern as a limited liability com-pany with a view to developing it on a large scale. Up-to-date plant will then be introduced, and the opinion is expressed by experts that the mine will prove to be one of the richest in that part of the country. About four years ago Mr. Gumming was appointed to the Selangor Council of State, being the first European unofficial member to sit on that body. He is also president of the Miners' Association. A keen sportsman and the owner of several race-horses, he was one of the founders of the Turf Club, of which he is now vice-president.
Mr. Chan Sow Lin. -One of the pioneers among the Chinese community in the State of Selangor is Mr. Chan Sow Lin, a gentleman of good birth, who, after being brought up in China, came to the Malay States to seek his fortune in the early -days of this country's development. He arrived at Taiping, Perak, the year 1867, and entered the service of Mr. Low Sam, the headman of Larut district. At the end of a year he transferred his services to Assam Kubang and was appointed overseer of the tin mines. A year later he was recalled by his former employer to act as overseer of his mines and take charge
Sumber : Artikel Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya
Sejarah penubuhan Sekolah Berasrama Penuh bermula pada tahun 1890, ketika R.O. Winsted menjadi Timbalan dan kemudiannya menjadi Pengarah Pelajaran Tanah Melayu.
Pada tahun tersebut “THE SELANGOR RAJA SCHOOL” ditubuhkan sebagai memulakan langkah melahirkan elit Melayu dari kalangan istana dan anak-anak pembesar negeri, menerusi pendidikan aliran Inggeris. Pada tahun 1894, sekolah ini telah ditutup untuk tujuan pengubahsuaian dan dilahirkan semula dalam bentuknya yang baru pada tahun 1905 di Kuala Kangsar, yang sehingga hari ini dikenali sebagai The Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK).[1]
Sultan Perak (Paduka Seri Sultan Idris) dalam Persidangan Raja-Raja (DURBAR) pada tahun 1903 yang mengkritik dasar pentadbiran Inggeris, khususnya dalam hal pendidikan orang Melayu dengan menyatakan“to producing better Malay farmers or fisherman only”. Sultan Perak sendiri telah menawarkan lokasi penubuhan MCKK di tapak sekarang ini, dengan maksud “for the education of the Malays of good family and for the training of Malay boys for admission to certain branches of the government service”
Satu perjanjian telah ditandatangani di antara Sultan Perak, Paduka Seri Sultan Sir Idris Murshidul 'adzam Shah ibni Almarhum Raja Bendahara Alang Iskandar dan Sultan Kedah, Sultan Sir Abdul Hamid Halim Shah Ibni Al- Marhum Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah pada 4 Mac 1912.
Perjanjian tersebut adalah mengenai sempadan antara Kedah-Perak iaitu di Daerah Baling dan Tasek dan pembinaan sebatang jalanraya dari Baling ke Padang Serai di Negeri Kedah.
Persetujuan-persetujuan yang dicapai di dalam perjanjian tersebut adalah seperti berikut:
(i) Sultan Perak bersetuju membina sebatang jalanraya kelas satu dari Baling hingga ke Kuala Ketil sepanjjang 22 batu. jalan yang akan dibina ini akan menyambungkan Klian Intan di Hulu Perak dengan Baling hingga ke Kuala Ketil. Pembinaan jalan sepanjang 22 baru ini akan dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh Kerajaan Negeri Perak. Sebagai balasannya, Kerajaan Negeri Kedah pula bersetuju akan rnerigawasi jalan tersebut selepas ianya diserahkan kepada Kerajaan Negeri Kedah, seperti juga ia mengawasi jalan- jalan kelas satu di Negeri Kedah.
(ii) Kerajaan Negeri Kedah juga bersetuju akan menyambung pembinaan jalan tersebut dari Kuala Ketil ke Padang Serai sejauh 12 batu dan Kedah juga akan mengawasi jalan tersebut seperti juga ia mengawasi jalan-jalan kelas satu yang lain di Kedah.
(iii) Kerajaan Kedah akan menyerahkan kepada Kerajaan Negeri Perak semua kawasan di Baling dan kawasan Goa Baling ke atas kepada Kerajaan Perak supaya pada masa hadapan sempadan antara Kedah dan Perak di kawasa. Hulu Perak ditandai dengan kawasan bukit dalam daerah tersebut.
Perjanjian itu telah ditandatangani oleh Sultan Perak, Sultan Idris Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar di hadapan Pemangku Residen British di Perak, Oliver Marks dan Sultan Kedah, Sultan Abdul Hamid menandatangani bagi pihak Kerajaan Negeri Kedah dengan disaksikan oleh Encik Md. Ariffin, Setiausaha kepada Baginda Sultan Kedah.
Sumber Arkib
Sekitar tahun 1825, Perjanjian Damai antara Perak dan Selangor dan Persahabatan di antara Selangor dengan Syarikat Hindia Timur Inggeris di tandatangani.
1. Sultan Selangor dan Inggeris bersetuju mengesahkan Perjanjian Perdagangan bertarikh 23 Ogos 1818.
2. Sultan bersetuju Sungai Bernam dijadikan sempadan tetap bagi jajahan takluk Selangor dan bersetuju tidak akan menyerang Perak.
3. Sultan bersetuju mengundurkan Raja Hassan dari Sungai Bidor.
4. Sultan dan juga pihak Inggeris tidak akan membenarkan lanun-lanun bersembunyi di tanah jajahan mereka.
5. Kedua-dua pihak bersetuju bekerjasama menangkap lanun, perompak, pembunuh dan lain-lain serta menyerahkan kepada pihak yang berkuasa.
6. Perjanjian ini mengekalkan keamanan dan perhubungan persahabatan diantara Selangor dan Inggeris.
Pihak Inggeris telah membuat perjanjian yang sama dengan Sultan Perak pada 6 September 1825.
Dengan perjanjian ini pihak Inggeris berjaya memperkukuhkan persahabatan dengan Sultan Perak dan Selangor.
03 March 2012

Kemangkatan Paduka Seri Sultan Sir Ahmad Tajuddin Akhazulkhair Ibni Almarhum Muhammad Jamal ul-Alam, Sultan dan Yang di-Pertuan Brunei pada 4 Jun 1950 di Johor.
Kelihatan Tengku Raihani Binti Almarhum Sultan Sir' Alauddin Suleiman Shah yang merupakan Tengku Ampuan Brunei ketika itu bersama Kekandanya Tengku Kelana Jaya Petra - Tengku Muda Eddin (Paduka Sri Sultan Musa Ghiath ud-din Riayat Shah) Ibni Almarhum Sultan Sir' Alauddin Suleiman Shah
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